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Million Dollar Oil Company

(Galveston Daily News, January 31, 1901)

Austin, Tex., Jan. 30--Another oil company, with a capital stock of $1,000,000, has been organized, and filed its charter today in the Secretary of State's office. Its name is the American Oil Company, and its principal office is located in Beaumont. Its purpose is to lease lands and prospect for oil and to construct and operate oil pipe lines, storage tanks, etc. The incorporators are John H. Kirby of Houston; W. S. Dalvidson, W. W. Wilson, William Wiess, James F. Weed, Dennis Call, T. D. Polk, all of Beaumont; George D. Silsbee of Boston, Mass.; and Charles E. Anderson of Austin, Texas. (Ed.'s Note: George D. Silsbee gave his name to the Hardin County city of Silsbee and for years was the financial genius behind the Kirby Lumber Company.

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