Year 1969
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by W. T. Block

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Holy Cross Lutheran Church began its Epiphany service on Jan. 5, 1969 with immeasurable optimism. The previous Sunday 190 persons had worshipped Christ in church, with an offering of $607, and 103 had attended the New Year's Eve service. On Jan. 5, 224 persons attended church, with an offering of $854, and it was quickly apparent that our church was bound to enjoy another banner year.

Also on Jan. 5, the Ladies Aid installed officers, as follows: Mrs. Williams, president; Mrs. Choate, vice president; Mrs. Carr, secretary; Mrs. F. Kieschnick, treasurer; and Mrs. Anderson, LWML secretary. The Dorcas Society officers installed that day included Mrs. S. Marks, president; Mrs. H. Gribnau, secretary; Mrs. Martin, treasurer; and Mrs. Nehrkorn, LWML secretary. The Ladies Aid held their monthly meeting on Jan. 14; The Dorcas Society met on Jan. 16; the Couples Club on Jan. 19; and the zone Walther League met on Jan. 25. The chancel and sanctuary choirs met each Wednesday night. There were 230 worshippers in church on Jan. 12, and also 234 in church on Jan. 19.1

On Feb. 2, Clifton Pace, Jr. was received into the church through the Sacrament of Baptism, and his parents through the rite of confirmation. Church attendance continued to remain high, with 246 present on Feb. 1. On Feb. 9 Mr./Mrs. Herman Hobratschk and children, Ronnie and Darlene, were received by rite of transfer. The Ladies Aid met on Feb. 11, followed by the Couples Club on Feb. 16, and the Dorcas Society on Feb. 20. On Feb. 16 Lisa Lyn Ludwig was received through the Sacrament of Baptism, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wiedenfeld by rite of transfer. Ash Wednesday came on Feb. 19, followed by our second Lenten service on Feb. 26. A total of 252 persons worshiped in church on Feb. 16 (with $868 offering and 165 in Sunday School), and 129 persons attended the Ash Wednesday service.2

On March 2 the Walther Leaguers met at 6 PM, and the Youth Choir practiced on each Tuesday in March. On Mar. 7, the Concordia Senior Choir sang at Trinity in Port Arthur. On Mar. 9, the Leaguers were guests of Trinity to play volleyball. The Ladies Aid met on Mar. 11; the Couples Club met on Mar. 16; and the Dorcas Society met on Mar. 20. The March attendance averaged 220 in church, 100 at each Lenten service, and Sunday contributions about $800. Kindergarten enrollment for 1969-1970 was held on Mar. 8.3

Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services were held on Apr. 3-4, followed by the children's Easter egg hunt on Apr. 5 and the Easter sunrise service at 6 AM on the 6th. There were 21 Easter lilies in the sanctuary that Sunday. There was also a voters' meeting on Apr. 1, followed by a pastor-teacher conference in Lubbock on Apr. 7. The Ladies Aid met on Apr. 8, and was followed by an LWML rally at Trinity on Apr. 17. There were 159 persons at the sunrise service, followed by 281 at the Easter service, with offerings totalling $1,570. The Walter Leaguers met on Apr. 13, preparatory to a League rally in Sulphur, La., on Apr. 27. The Couples Club met on Apr. 20, followed by the Dorcas Society on Apr. 24. Church members met on Apr. 26 for "spring cleaning." Five Holy Cross seniors, Nick Ewing, Kay Hempel, Bonnie Helson, Nancy Schubert, and Harry Smits, were inducted into the National Honor Society at Nederland High School.4

The Sabine Area Sunday School teachers met at Good Shepherd in Port Arthur on May 5. The Dorcas Society met on May 15, and held its clothing drive for St. Mark's Church in Port Arthur. The annual church picnic was held on the Burton Estate in Bridge City on May 18. On May 11, twins Michael Edward Hughes and Mary Catherine Hughes were received by Sacrament of Baptism. A VBS workshop was held on May 17. On May 16, a confirmand-Leaguers banquet was held at the church, and on May 17, an oral exam was administered to the 12 confirmands, namely: Becky Block, Diane Bryant, Deborah Gunter, Monica Gunter, Marion Hughes, Jean Kea, Dale Lilljedahl, Randy Lovelace, Mark Pittman, Susie Schmidt, Valdis Smits, and Kent Turner. The Ladies Aid met on May 13; the Leaguers met on May 16; and Confirmation Sunday was on May 25. The Walther League installed new officers as follows: Marty Lovelace, president; Vickie McCorkle, vice president; Jody Shipley, corr. secretary; Deborah Bryant, rec. secretary; and Jack Ewing, treasurer.

On May 18 Crystal Loice Hicks, Gary Leroy Kerr, Cindy Lorraine Kerr, Brian Lee Kerr, and Debra Lynn Gunter were received through Sacrament of Baptism. Holy Cross seniors Donald Heller and Sharon Nelson graduated from Nederland High School on May 30. On May 25, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Blanchette, Harris Blanchette, Jr., Crystal L. Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kerr, and Mr. and Mrs. John W. Tyler were received into membership by rite of confirmation. Also on May 25, Tamara Deane Terrell was received by Sacrament of Baptism. On May 25, 283 persons worshipped in church, with an offering of $978.5

On June 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Savant were received by rite of confirmation, and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Trojak by rite of transfer. A voters' meeting met on June 3. Vacation Bible School began on June 2, with the VBS closing service on June 13. Harris Blanchette and Crystal Hicks were wed at the church on June 15. The W. Jaetzold-Linda Schaefer wedding was officiated on June 14. On June 22, Janet Malina Parrish as received through the Sacrament of Baptism, and Pastor Keith Dubois was guest speaker. The board of trustees approved a new parsonage to be built at 2811 Memphis. At the VBS closing service, 24 teachers were recognized for their contributions to VBS, along with 76 children, who had a perfect attendance record. The Ladies Aid met on June 10; the Couples Club met on June 15; and the Dorcas Society on June 26. A change of worship hours for July was announced due to Pastor Schmid's impending vacation.6

During July, Pastor Schmid and his family were either on vacation, or during the week of July 10-18th, he attended the LCMS general convention in Denver. Pastor Reeder of Good Shepherd, Port Arthur, served as our vacation pastor. On July 20-22nd, the Texas LWML convened in Houston.

During the pastor's absence, some church activities were curtailed. The Ladies Aid met on July 8, followed by the Walther Leaguers on July 13th; the Dorcas Society on July 17; and the Couples Club on July 20th. On July 27th, Kimberlee Dawn Thornton was received through the Sacrament of Baptism.7

On August 3, Pastor Meyer of Beaumont served as our guest speaker, and on August 10, the time of Sunday services returned to normal hours. The bi-monthly voters' meeting occurred on Aug. 7. The chancel, youth, and sanctuary choirs practiced each Wednesday evening. The Ladies Aid met on Aug. 12th, followed by the Couples Club on Aug. 17, and the Dorcas Society on Aug. 21. The Kindergarten orientation and opening service occurred on Aug. 21st and 28th. The contractor reported that the new parsonage at 2811 Memphis was about completed. On Aug. 8, Pastor Schmid received a call to St. Mark's Church in Lake Jackson, Texas. On Aug. 17, Kimberly Michelle Wolford was received through the Sacrament of Baptism. On Aug. 17, Pastor Schmid returned the call to Lake Jackson.

On Aug. 24, members held a worship service at Simon's Rest Home. Two items discussed at the voters meeting were the sale of the old parsonage at 2811 Gary and Pastor Schmid's new call to Trinity Church in Lafayette, La. There were 25 children enrolled in the fall Kindergarten class under Mrs. W. Schmidt. The senior and junior confirmation classes met on Sept. 2nd, and Pastor Schmid returned his call to Lafayette, La.8

On Sept. 7, Dr. and Mrs. Fred Young and children, Brenda and Christina, and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Timaeus and daughters, Dana and Rachel, were received by rite of transfer. Holy Cross men held their annual retreat on Sept. 13-14th at Dies Park at Dam B. The Ladies Aid met on Sept. 9; all Sunday School teachers met on Sept. 11 and 25th; The Dorcas Society met on Sept. 18; and the Couples Club met on Sept. 21. A rummage sale was conducted on Sept. 23. W. H. B. Fehl, Jr., the son of two of our founding members, was ordained in Houston on Sept. 21. Pastor Schmid and family moved into the new parsonage.

On Sept. 21, John Arthur Timaeus was received through the Sacrament of Baptism. On Sept. 18th, the funeral of Mr. Emmett Boehm was conducted at Holy Cross Church. Adult confirmation classes began on Oct. 5. Church attendance continued at a very high level, with 118 in Sunday School on Sept. 21st; 253 attending Sunday worship on Sept. 21; and 275 at Sunday worship on Sept. 28th. A new slate of church officers were nominated for 1970.9

Oct. 5th was LWML Sunday throughout the Missouri Synod. Marty Lovelace, president of the Walther League, received his Eagle Scout rank. All choirs continued to practice on Wednesday evenings. The Walther League zone rally was held in Orange on Oct. 5, and the new parsonage was dedicated on Oct. 12. The Ladies Aid met on Oct. 14, followed by the LWML zone rally on Oct. 16. The Dorcas Society met on Oct. 23, and the Couples Club met on Oct. 19. A total of 264 persons worshipped on Oct. 12. Oct. 26th was Mission Sunday, with Rev. Gerald Discher of Navasota as our guest speaker. Members conducted a worship service at Simon's Rest Home on Oct. 26, and the chancel choir enjoyed a Halloween Party on Oct. 30th.10

November 2, 1969, was Reformation Sunday, with Pastor Dewyth Beltz of Spring, Texas, as guest speaker. The Lutheran Booth at Texas State Fair was awarded 2nd place - Religious, with our W. H. B. Fehl, Sr. as co-sponsor. The Sabine Area SS teachers annual banquet was held at Grace, Orange, on Nov. 3rd. Used toys were requested for Kindergarten. The LWML zone rally met at Redeemer Lutheran, Beaumont, on Nov. 12. The Ladies Aid met on Nov. 11, followed by the Couples Club Thanksgiving social on Nov. 16, and the Dorcas Society on Nov. 20. On Nov. 19, Mrs. J. G. Cardwell was received by rite of transfer. Non-perishable goods were requested for use in the Thanksgiving baskets soon to be distributed. On Nov. 23, Mrs. E. G. Hargrove and daughter Janna; and Mrs. Tommy Hodges were received by profession of faith. Pastor Schmid received a call to First Lutheran in Hot Springs, Ark. The Thanksgiving Day service was celebrated on Nov. 27. Guest speaker on Nov. 30 was Dr. W. J. Stork, who spoke about "The Lutheran Hour."11

Choir Christmas rehearsals were held on Dec. 7, with the choir "hayride" and supper on Dec. 12. Voters meeting was held on Dec. 2. The Ladies Aid Christmas party was held on Dec. 9, followed by the Couples Club Christmas party on Dec. 21, and the Dorcas Society party on Dec. 18. The Christmas Choral (or carol) Service was held on Dec. 14. Pastor Schmid

returned the call to Arkansas. The children's Christmas Eve service was held on Dec. 24, followed by the Christmas Day service. On Dec. 21, William Edward Hargrove was received through the Sacrament of Baptism, and the Ron Ermel-Elna Smith wedding was officiated on Dec. 20th. The Walther Leaguers held their post-Christmas party on Dec. 29, and the New year's Eve service on Dec. 31st marked the closing of the 1969 year at Holy Cross.12

The new 1970 Holy Cross Church officers installed included B. Morgan, president; C. Schubert, secretary; K. Lilljedahl, treasurer; C. Wiedefeld, 1st vice president; P. Hempel, 2nd vice president; J. Pitman, 3rd vice president; A. Shipley, 4th vice president; L. Biar, 5th vice president; Ed Anderson, SS superintendent; G. McCorkle, youth counselor; H. Kieschnick, R. Kretschmar, J. Ludwig, H. Schaefer, W. Schmidt, L. Struckmeyer, board of elders; E. Proft, B. Cogswell, T. Smith, K. Wagner, board of missions; D. Bryant, A. Choate, J. Ford, W. Martin, T. Nau, J. Singleton, H. Smits, M. Trojak, board of stewards; and P. Anderson, C. Terrell, W. Weigmann, and R. Wolford, board of education.13

Holy Cross Lutheran Church had indeed enjoyed another delightful and blessed year in 1969. Attendance at Sunday Church service frequently exceeded 250 persons. Regular and special offerings had exceeded $42,000. The Ladies Aid had 30 members and supported a number of church or worthy projects. The Sunday School also enjoyed record attendance, and there were 25 enrolled in Kindergarten under Mrs. W. Schmidt. In fact, every facet of our church had enjoyed a special and progressive year, and looked forward to our upcoming year of 1970.

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1HCLC Buls., Jan. 5, 12, 19, 26, 1969

2HCLC Buls., Feb. 1, 9, 16, 23, 1969.

3HCLC Buls., March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 1969.

4HCLC Buls., April 6, 13, 20, 27, 1969.

5HCLC Buls., May 4, 11, 18, 25, 1969.

6HCLC Buls., June 1, 8, 15, 22, 19, 1969.

7HCLC Buls., July 6, 13, 20, 27, 1969; also July, 1969 mo. calendar.

8HCLC Buls., Aug. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, 1969.

9HCLC Buls., Sept. 7, 14, 21, 28, 1969.

10HCLC Buls., Oct. 5, 12, 19, 26, 1969.

11HCLC Buls., Nov. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 1969.

12HCLC Buls., Dec. 7, 14, 21, 28, 1969.

13Holy Cross Annual Report for 1969.

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Unless otherwise indicated, the material published on this site is copyrighted by William T. Block.
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